Live Blood Cell Microscopy


Observing a highly magnified sample of a blood drop will open the doors to understanding our inner universe. 

Not only providing understanding of how our cells form and function in health, but also presenting clues to the causes of imbalances that keep us from feeling at our optimal best.

Contributing factors to ill health may be:

Nutritional Deficiencies (vitamins/minerals/essential fatty acids)

Digestive Difficulties (interfering with absorption)

Immune System Dysfunction 

Inadequate Detoxification (weakness of elimination organs)

Stress Related Nutrient Depletion

Improper Blood Sugar Control

Suboptimal Dietary Habits

Harmful Environmental Factors

Live Blood Cell Microscopy is a very beneficial way of finding and identifying the needs of the body to restore our healthy equilibrium.

However, it is in no way considered to be a medical test for any purpose of diagnosis. It is not meant to replace the conventional blood tests ordered by our physicians.

Live blood cell microscopy can show:

  • The shape and size of red blood cells, expressing cell membrane strength, ageing, oxygen carrying ability, circulatory function. Deficiencies of key minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and protein, hindering maintaining cellular integrity

  • The function and structure of white blood cells as a good indication of immune responses 

  • Effects of dehydration – as water is the universal solvent of nutrients, lack of it will be manifested in multiple ways

  • Effects of accumulation of metabolic waste in connection with the sluggishness of the elimination organs

  • Effectiveness of digestive function and assimilation of nutrients

  • Indicators of digestive dysbiosis (the imbalance between friendly and harmful microorganisms and their fermentative waste products) and the need for rebalancing our microbiome

  • Presence of fat and/or uric acid crystals, calling for improvement of dietary habits and supporting the function of the kidneys and the liver

And many more unique aspects of the individual!